〇日程 2021年6月12日(土)・13日(日)
〇場所 オンライン開催
〇テーマ 「コミュニケーション学の現在地/現在知(アクチュアリティ)」
〇応募締切(発表・企画申し込み原稿ファイル提出締切) 2021年2月1日
〇応募・問合先 副学術局長 日高勝之(大会担当、立命館大学)
MAIL: k-hidaka [@を入れる]wa2.so-net.ne.jp
※メール件名に「JCA 大会申込」と記してください。
※締め切り後、学術局で検討して発表・企画の採否をできるだけ速やかにお知らせします(おおむね 7~10日)。
Call for Papers for the 50th JCA Annual Convention
The Japan Communication Association is planning to hold its 50th Annual Convention on Saturday, June 12th and Sunday, June 13rd, 2020, at Rikkyo University, Ikebukuro campus (Tokyo). The theme of the Convention will be “Actuality of Communication.” JCA will be inviting proposals for individual or panel presentations for competitive research papers concerning any subject of communication studies. Additionally, we would like to particularly invite a unique and quality session that contributes to the JCA members and stimulates our membership activities. The format of this theme session may vary depending on the session’s objectives, such as a thematically organized paper session, a panel symposium, or a workshop. We appreciate a proposal that facilitates research activities and teaching practices as well as encourages information sharing beneficial for the JCA members.
Those wishing to propose a paper presentation or a panel discussion should send an e-mail (k-hidaka [@]wa2.so-net.ne.jp) by February 1st, 2021, with the following two forms of abstracts: (1) For the convention program: 300 words or less in English or 800 characters or less in Japanese (2) For the proceedings: maximum of 1000 words in English (including foot/endnotes) or 3000 characters in Japanese (including foot/endnotes). Both abstracts must be under 2 pages on A4-size paper. Those who wish to propose a panel or a theme session should submit a session overview of 2 pages maximum; abstracts of individual presenters are unnecessary. Refer to the Submission Guidelines for JCA proceedings at JCA website, and precisely follow the guidelines. Also, for your submission, please specifically type “JCA submission: [name]” on the subject of your e-mail.
The first author of the paper as well as the presenter in the Convention must be a JCA member. If these responsible persons do not have their JCA membership, please join the JCA before submission and indicate the membership number on your paper. We also recommend the current members to confirm your membership status, because it is often lost by not paying the annual fee. We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!